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Mlambe Milestone: New School Block

At the end of the June, The Mlambe Project announced a milestone. Our fundraising target of £8300 had been met. We would now be able to build a new school block, and open our school to 60 more children this coming September! We were over the moon.

The news is so significant because it means that we will now become a full primary school.

Why exactly is this so great? Because it means that years seven and eight can complete their primary education locally- without having to walk over an hour to the next closest school.

How many children will this new school effect? We have 545 children at The Mlambe Primary school, and this means that all of them can now have the opportunity to stay with us to finish their primary education. In Malawi, the completion rate for primary education is just 59% (World BankDevelopment Indicators, 2007). So this is huge.

We thought we couldn't be more pleased. But, then our experts began building the new school block and proved to us that we could be more pleased (and the reason we call them experts!)

Here's what our CEO Lucy has to say:

"Building the new school block is massive for Mlambe School and for the community of Chikolongo. I am absolutely thrilled that we were able to start building so that the block will be ready to open at the start of the new school year in September. Thank you so much to everyone that has donated and made it happen!"

Ultimately, this new block will give the children and community of Chikolongo the start in life they deserve. We would like to give a huge thank-you to everyone who supported us, whether that be by donating, attending our comedy events or sponsoring our team.

We owe a special thank-you to Andrew and Sarah May-Miller, Capital Group, Friends of Malawi Association, Rotary Club of Uxbridge, Rotary Club of Titsey. Thanks to supporters like you, we have been able to change the lives of the children in Chikolongo.

And here is a thank you from the people who matter most...

Stay tuned with us on Facebook to follow the build... ZIKOMO!

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